
Personal Brand or Not Wanting to Looking Like a Total Cock

When reading and talking about Social Media I see a lot of conversations about Personal Brand. Discussion about strategies, building and maintaining your ‘PB’, of who you should try to be, who defines your PB

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Engaging through Content or just Filing it?

More thoughts on Vignette and OpenText. The news of OpenText planning to gobble up Vignette and the recent Interwoven acquisition by Autonomy sees a new chapter for these grandees of content management and I think

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A Meme Challenge – 10 things about me

Kas Thomas has been at it again, this time throwing down a personal meme gauntlet, by sharing 10 things about himself and tagging his blogroll to do the same, but I carelessly tweeted about it

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Alterian CMS Meme Response

At the beginning of last week a CMS ‘meme’ broke out, where CMS vendor bloggers were challenged to reveal something about their products functionality and then tag other vendors to do similar. Day kicked this

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