In this weekly ponder; what’s old and dull to you might be new to someone else, so give that old content a polish and get over our obsession with content youth.
Continue ReadingHovering Over The Back Button
Tuesday 2¢ – Marketing Attribution: Is Your Sand Making Pearls?
I’ll be honest: I’m not sure if this one works, but this week I am thinking about marketing attribution vs contribution, pearls and sand.
Continue ReadingTuesday 2¢ – Use it, Like it or Lose it
Like the British high street, your favorite purveyor of boutique content might need your support.
Continue ReadingTuesday 2¢ – Make ART, not WAR
Last week, I presented an idea at the Martech Festival in Utrecht, and here it is.
Continue ReadingTuesday 2¢: Popular or Profitable?
I talk about how ART (Awareness, Revenue and Trust) is the mission of marketing, but we need to think about how we balance our focus on those three; do we want to be profitable or popular?
Continue ReadingTuesday 2¢: Being There Versus Being First
As a content creator, you might feel all your ideas have already been written, but those ideas don’t have to be first or original, they just need to be there, trusted and convenient.
Continue ReadingTuesday 2¢: Reasons to B2B Cheerful
This week’s Tuesday 2¢ is inspired by some good news for B2B marketers from a survey from IPSOS and LinkedIn.
Continue ReadingTuesday 2¢: Pain to Aspiration
This week’s brief thought, should we be setting fire to people’s ties?
Continue ReadingTuesday 2¢: Potty Mouth with Purpose
This week’s half-arsed idea, swearing in marketing, should you?
Continue ReadingTuesday 2¢: Blame My Assistant
Yeah, another post that mentions ChatGPT, I blame my assistant…
Continue ReadingTuesday 2¢: Tag Me, If It’s an Old Fashioned
This week, being tagged in LinkedIn posts, I don’t know the etiquette, but I feel like I am being shouted at across a crowded bar. Just me?
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