This week I ponder; If you are a B2B vendor and think you are sales and marketing-led or product-led – do you need to choose? Or should you?
Continue ReadingHovering Over The Back Button
Tuesday 2¢: We’ll be Countin’ Cards
In this week’s half-baked ramble, I compare card counting with marketing, following hearing a great story on a podcast
Continue ReadingTuesday 2¢: Pain and the promised land
This week, in my half-baked, often late weekly Tuesday missive, in B2B marketing, should we always be hanging with sales, peddling the pain?
Continue ReadingTuesday 2¢: Come Not to be Served But to Serve
If you read my Rockstar CMO newsletter, then you’ll notice I am returning to this topic of service, I’ve given it a bit more thought, and like all the cools kids, refer to ChatGPT.
Continue ReadingTuesday 2¢: Let ‘em Pick Your Brain
Should you give your advice for free? I’m inspired by a podcast this week, to ponder this surprisingly controversial topic…
Continue ReadingTuesday 2¢: Charity, Tchotchke or a Chair?
How do you engage attendees at a conference? My advice this week; try not to make them sick to their stomach
Continue ReadingTuesday 2¢: Content as a Product
Unlike previous posts, I am not suggesting a new acronym (CaaP – Content as a Product), this Tuesday 2¢ is probably more of a reminder than any big revelation, treat your content like a product.
Continue ReadingTuesday 2¢: Has the Funnel Kicked the Brand Bucket?
Is the marketing funnel really dead? Ummm.. well, I have an idea about buckets and waterslides… There seems to be a lot of shade being thrown over the idea of a marketing funnel, that digital
Continue ReadingTuesday 2¢: Everybody is FOFU Fighting
Last week, I mentioned the term FOFU (Fear of F’in’ Up) and this week’s Tuesday 2¢ is literally ripped from the pages of The Marketing Book podcast that inspired that idea.
Continue ReadingTuesday 2¢: Sorry, we are not friends (yet)
This Tuesday 2¢, I read the sentence “talk to businesses like they are your friend” and I have some thoughts… I had something else planned for tonight’s Tuesday 2¢, but I just read the sentence
Continue ReadingTuesday 2¢: Hey cyborg; how human do you want to be?
Yes, yes, yes, another blog post riding in the wake of the hot topic of 2023, artificial intelligence, and the rise of the robots writing our content.
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