My informal personal blog, once called “Hovering Over the Back Button”, now, as I post on Tuesday’s it’s “Tuesday 2¢”, if you want to follow it every week, I’ve created a LinkedIn newsletter too.
Tuesday 2¢ – Driving Your Martech
This Tuesday, inspired by a young driver F1 driver; are you on top of your marketing technology, or is it driving?
Tuesday 2¢ – Start with “Lie”
This Tuesday, I am going with a rant, an apology to Simon Sink for paraphrasing his “Start with Why” and a cold call….
Tuesday 2¢: Yep, they will copy you
This Tuesday, a thought on the holy grail of differentiation that’s probably not that different, but that’s not the point. It’s here.
Tuesday 2¢: Marketing Smarts and The Tube
This Tuesday, I’m pondering marketing education, inspired by a broken-down train on the London Underground…..
Tuesday 2¢: Ops Beats Orgs
I have a slightly convoluted path to inspiration this week, so please bear with me as I have a kick about with the topic of operating models and org charts.
Tuesday 2¢ – What about you?
This week, I try to focus my thoughts on a BIG project, but I am wondering, in all this marketing strategy advice, what about you?
Tuesday 2¢: Addicted to Computer Love?
This week’s weekly rant: are we doing too much to appease the algorithms at the expense of our audience?
Tuesday 2¢: Subscribing for Help
For my 2¢ this week I’m pondering about how we make vanity metrics a bit more human.