My informal personal blog, once called “Hovering Over the Back Button”, now, as I post on Tuesday’s it’s “Tuesday 2¢”, if you want to follow it every week, I’ve created a LinkedIn newsletter too.
Tuesday 2¢: Flow is Your Flywheel
Not a rant this week, more of a ramble about productivity, open offices and finding time for your most productive time; when you are in flow.
Tuesday 2¢: What’s Their Motivation?
As B2B marketers we need to move away from starting our segment definitions with a job title. In this week’s Tuesday 2 cents, I return to the topic of understanding our audience.
Tuesday 2 cents: You are not the typing pool
Some leadership teams think that marketing is what happens after the grown-ups have done talking. I disagree…
Tuesday 2 cents: Focus on their world, their risks, their needs, then you
Inspired by “The Greatest Sales Deck I’ve Ever Seen” by Andy Raskin, I suggest how we might apply the approach to content marketing.
Tuesday 2¢: Tips on Keeping Marketing Human with Less Humans
The machines of marketing are getting a bad rap right now, as the human touch seems to be a distant aspiration when engaging with brands, found only with persistence behind a firewall of robots. In this Tuesday 2 cents I suggest some ways we can change that.
Mr, Mrs, Ms, Miss, or Mx – Do we need to ask?
In this week’s Tuesday 2¢ I ponder what we really need to know about our audience and consumers in order to improve our usefulness and relevance to them and their customer experience.
Tuesday 2¢: This is a Loyalty Card
In this week’s Tuesday 2¢ I get a loyalty card! What? Umm… yeah.. right. But trust me, this is a lesson for marketers and retail…
Tuesday 2¢: Demographics are Dead
“Research shows that grouping people by age and other labels doesn’t tell us much about who they are, what they have in common and how they will behave” – This week I’ve got a bit obsessed with “valuegraphics”.